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Here’s How Cannabis Affects Casual Users Health.

Numerous reports link cannabis to several health benefits, such as relieving pain and helping potentially with certain forms of epilepsy. However, studies and research show that marijuana has many ways of affecting users’ health and can make them appear violently ill. The National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, and Medicine, along with other recent studies, release a massive report that helps sum up on how marijuana affects the brain and body. The following are the effects of marijuana:

Can cause brain abnormalities

Scientists have proven that continuous use of marijuana affects parts of the brain: the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala hippocampus. Comparisons between smokers and non-smokers have shown a more significant difference in the grey matter. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience links recreational users with these effects as well. The brain is affected in terms of emotion, decision-making, and motivation. Researchers say that smokers have impairment in attention, memory, and learning. Other studies link cannabis to impaired knowledge and social skills. Long term users are known for cognitive impairment. According to a study by Carl Lupica, Ph.D., National Institute on Drug Abuse, light to moderate casual users experience a change in brain anatomy.

Marijuana is linked to a rare syndrome that causes nausea and vomiting.

Most marijuana users experience stomach issues like vomiting and nausea. A 2019 study shows a new and understudied condition, cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, which is believed to affect a large population of cannabis users.

Excessive marijuana use creates feelings of euphoria.

Some of the ingredients of weed, especially the tetrahydrocannabinol, interacts with the brain system. This part is known to respond to a certain thing that makes us feel good, eating, and sex. When overexcited by cannabis, the system creates euphoria. The more often that euphoria is triggered, the less is felt during other rewarding experiences.

In the short term, it can make your heart race.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, your heart rate can increase 20-50 beats a minute within a few minutes of inhaling cannabis. This condition can last up to three hours. This condition increases the general risk of a heart attack. Reports have limited evidence, but it is believed that smoking can trigger a heart attack.

In some people, weed can increase the risk of depression.

Young people with serotonin genes are more vulnerable to depression. Scientists are not really sure if weed triggers depression or depressed people use weed. Smoking weed raises the risk of depression, suggested by a study from the Netherlands

Marijuana can also affect the sperm count

From a small study of 37 men, marijuana is found to decrease sperm counts. However, another study, which is larger, shows that marijuana increases sperm counts.

Marijuana affects your ability to drive.

Smoking affects judgemental skills, motor skills, reaction time, and perception. Research shows that weed smokers have a higher risk of getting into car accidents, Hill says.

Marijuana affects an unborn baby

Children born to mothers who smoked weed have problems emotionally as well as memory-wise. They also have impulsive behavior and problems with attention. It can also cause low birth weights in newborns.

It can mess with your sense of balance.

Cannabis influences activity in the cerebellum, and this can throw off your balance. Cerebellum regulates balance, ordination, and posture. When this is tampered with, smokers lose balance, and sometimes they have problems with reaction time.

It also distorts your sense of time.

Smokers of weed experience feelings of time sped up or slowed down. A study shows that weed alters blood flow to the brain, cerebellum, and in turn, one loses a sense of time.