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Uses For CBD Topical Cream

Being a topical cream, users of CBD topical cream usually employs direct application to the affected area. Once applied, CBD takes between one to forty eight hours to provide relief. Typically, when CBD topical cream is applied on the skin, or in some cases ingested, it restores the balance of the Endocannabinoid System( ECS). 

ECS is a recently discovered signaling system. It is a natural chemical regulator in the body that interacts with CBD receptors, CB1 and CB2. It helps maintain homeostasis by detecting and regulating pain, mood, hunger, memory, and a lot more. If the ECS is affected, or the body is not producing enough of it, these functions may become unbalanced. When CBDs are applied, they increase the amount of ECS available to the body, restoring the balance.

Treatment of acne, psoriasis and eczema

One of the uses for CBD topical cream is the treatment of acne, psoriasis and eczema. All three are inflammatory skin diseases, and therefore CBD’s anti- inflammatory properties aid in their treatment. Unlike other skin products, CBD cream does not clog the skin but instead, target the cells responsible for activating acne. It helps reduce swelling and redness from existing skin breakouts. It can also slow down the rate of division of skin cells reducing chances of developing eczema. When used, research shows that there is no irritation or any allergic reactions. Using CBD topical cream is clearly therefore safe for the skin.

Treatment of arthritis

CBD topical cream may have long lasting therapeutic effects on inflammation and painful joints, a behavior associated with arthritis. Uses for CBD topical cream can also include transformation of aged and damaged skin to a young glowing skin.

Treatment of dry skin

In treatment of dry skin, CBD topical cream has a nutrient necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin. When applied, it interacts with the sebaceous glands and help increase the production of sebum. Uses for CBD topical cream also include stopping skin breakouts. 

Treatment of peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage that causes discomfort, numbness, and weakening in the feet and hands. Cannabinoids go a long way in reducing pain for people with peripheral neuropathy. They can aid relaxation to help an individual sleep. They are also anti- oxidant and neuroprotective. They therefore lower the chances of developing neuropathy. Uses for CBD topical cream on treatment of peripheral neuropathy entirely depends the stage of the condition one is in.

Finally, like every other health product, CBD topical cream has side effects. It for example, causes tiredness, change in appetite, diarrhoea, and change in weight. Generally, they offer localized relief and also improve the overall appearance and health of the skin.

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CBD uses to treat nausea 

CBD is the initials for cannabidiol. It is one of the active chemicals found in cannabis or marijuana, extracted from the hemp plant, a marijuana cousin plant. CBD does cause ‘high’ since it is not psychoactive like THC and does not have any public health-related problems making it an essential element of medical marijuana. 

Let us first look at other important aspects of CBD before diving into CBD’s uses to treat nausea.   

Is CBD Legal?  

The legal status of CBD is in flux even though it is readily available in most parts of the world. Various laws have been set up to legalize CBD having multiple degrees of restrictions. Even if it is considered in the same class as marijuana, government bodies do not enforce against it. CBD’s legality is confusing and depends on whether it comes from hemp or marijuana.   

CBD uses   

As stated earlier, CBD does not possess the psychoactive property found in THC, making it suitable for various health issues without the side effects of marijuana. Health providers can prescribe CBD for the following health issues; 

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Chronic pain 
  • Nausea 
  • Pain 
  • May decrease acne 

CBD uses to treat nausea  

CBD uses to treat nausea includes the use of full-spectrum CBD products which are the best choice for reducing nausea, especially since THC is regarded as more effective at quelling queasiness. By using full-spectrum CBD products, you benefit by getting all the natural cannabinoids from the cannabis plant (plus very few traces of THC that is legal). 

However, your choice of CBD products should be what appeals to you. Do not take something that could make you want to gag, such as opting for a tincture or oil rather than a flavored gummy. 


Most of the research behind nausea treatment and CBD revolves around cancer patients who experience pain, vomiting, and nausea- side effects of chemotherapy.  

The Endocannabinoid system found in mammals comprises numerous receptors and hormone-like compounds responsible for controlling balance throughout the entire body. This also includes regulating the part of the brain (medulla oblongata) accountable for managing reflexes that trigger nausea and vomiting. 

Research shows that when you introduce a drug that blocks the endocannabinoid system, you experience nausea as a side effect; however, you eliminate nausea when you boost the system. Research on the use of synthetic versions of THC has shown reduced cases of nausea, further supporting this theory. 

CBD helps reduce nausea since it interacts with serotonin receptors that produce serotonin hormone that influences your mood, behavior, and well-being. By combining both THC and CBD, you can alleviate nausea, especially in chemotherapy patients. In instances where anti-nausea drugs are not working, some cancer societies add cannabinoids to their drug list to manage nausea at home. 


There is a connection between CBD and treating nausea. However, the research on CBD uses to treat nausea islimited. More research is required to conclude if CBD can be used to treat nausea.        

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